Friday, May 13, 2011


I prepared a Bandcamp website this week, for my DJ Ridonkulous track, to test Bandcamp out. The website is amazing, so easy to use, and they help you embed a player almost anywhere! I love it. Check it out.

I'll definitely use Bandcamp to distribute the Ergo Alt EP when it's done. It's just brilliant, way better than iTunes. They also allow me to price the EP however I like. So I will be able to set the price to donation only. However, if it becomes popular, Bandcamp can automatically implement a different pricing scheme. I'll manage that when, and if, it happens.

In other news, I managed to get a job which will help fund me until I finish the EP. The down side is that progress will be a little slower from here on. I'm cool with that. I hope you guys are cool with that.   :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Vocal Production

I'm just posting a link to tips on vocal production today. It's the most comprehensive article I've seen on the topic.

If you're serious about vocals, read it.
