Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Feel Alive - Online

I Feel Alive went on sale on iTunes on 18/10/10. Another major milestone!

iTunes reports the date of publishment in American time, so it says the day before (i.e. the 17th).

My music can travel through time. Shazam!

BAM! Back through time to 1955. Nearly.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Business Rant - 2

My new track is up on Ergo Alt Myspace page. I'm putting together a final mix of The Fall and I Feel Alive today. (Some of the sounds in The Fall were annoying me, so I've fixed them, most people won't notice the difference).

I'm taking a new risk, and putting together a piece of political satire. Yes, that's right. Political satire. I've got a weird business idea for it. As part of the product, I'll also be putting together a YouTube video (god willing) and an iPhone application as well.

So here's what I'm thinking. Step 1 - Put together the new track this week, and get it up on iTunes asap. It's already half done. Step 2 - Make a video for YouTube and get that online by early November. Use the video to promote the track.  Step 3 - Make an iPhone application that will go on iTunes about the same time as the video gets online.

By that time, I need to have found a real job. I'm hoping that by March-April, this new product will have made me rich, and I can get back to making Ergo Alt music. Ha ha ha. Gotta think big ya know.  :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Alternate project

Distribution of my second track, I Feel Alive, is nigh. And with that, I've decided to try my hand at a new project.

One of my mates was listening to my stuff, and said to me, "hey why don't you make something like the Barbara Streisand song?". I was like, whaaaaat are you talking about. He didn't mean a song by Barbara, but rather about her. There is this weird song by Duck Sauce going around on the YouTubes at the moment where they just say "Barbara Streisand" in comedial ways. Yes, a gimmick. But I imagine 15 year old's love it.

So my mate said "why not do something stupid like this song, and just change the lyrics to another name". I laughed. Initially I thought the idea was ridiculous. But now, maybe not so. So, I going to run an adaption of this idea for a week or two, and see what happens...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Song 2 - I Feel Alive

Song 2 is nearly done! The song title will be 'I Feel Alive'. I need to product test it on some people. My partner thinks that the lyrics need improving, but I'm not convinced. Other people may have a different opinion. That's the way it is with music.

Hmm, does that make the planet one big musical meritocracy?

I've done the art for the song. Here it is.

Unfortunately, I'm out of money, so this will be the last song I release before getting a job somewhere. But that's ok, it's been an awesome journey. I can still use the skills that I've gained to slowly work on another 8 tracks. When I raise enough cash I can return to unemployment to finish the album.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Philosophical Rant 3

I think I written this before, but I need to learn to stop working when I'm tired. I've been putting in 8 hour days on this track, in my eagerness to complete it. And it's not a good strategy. No-one wants to listen to half-finished music after 8 hours of work. Let alone their own song. Let alone the same song they've been hearing over and over all day.

I'm going to enforce a new rule on myself. No work after 3pm.
Enough about that.

The song is progressing nicely. It's definitely a tribute to the arrival of Spring. My partner listened to parts of it yesterday. She agreed that its vastly different to my first song. But still distinctly Ergo Alt. Its all there. The same weird vocals. The high musical complexity. The theatrical elements. I was thinking just the other day, how somewhat unfortunate (for me) that my music is complex. It takes so bloody long to produce. It would be nice if my music was simpler. The same sound all the way through. 5 instruments in total. But noooo, I have to put in a million instruments (obvious exaggeration) , including a mini orchestra, and vocode my voice 10 times and in different ways.

I think that last paragraph qualifies as ranting. Whatever, at least I feel a bit better.

Time for a photo. From my recent trip to Adelaide.

Yay for sunnyness.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Song 2 - Vocals

Laid down some vocals yesterday. And yes, 'laid down' is the official verb replacement for record. Just had to confirm that.  :)

I'll spend time today and tomorrow listening to them, mixing them, and deciding what I'll use. Most of my singing will be discarded as per usual. About 90 percent of it. That's just how it works. The rest of it, that little piece of gold, will be used.

I've already had a bit of a tinker, and decided that the lyrics needs reworking or rearranging. But it starting to sound ok already. Since The Fall, my singing has already improved, or, at least my technique has. Probably lending to the fact that I know the sound of my voice now and how I'll want to use it.

Hey wow, I just realised, just then, that I now know my own 'sound'. That's cool as. How many people in the world can say they know their own musical 'sound'? Ha.


Everything I need to make some slamming tunes.  Meow.