Monday, February 14, 2011

EP Progress 4 and new project

Ha! I've already changed my mind on a bunch of things from last post. Including scrapping the final song, and replacing it with potentially one of two others. I keep hypothesising what the final EP will look like, but to be honest, it's probably still too early to tell.

Anyway, I've come up with two new ideas for songs, so have been working on those, as well as the other two existing new songs. They're sounding pretty cool. I started some vocal work on 'Get up and skate girls'. I wrote 16 lines of rapping, tried it out, then scrapped it. Wrote some new lines, sang those, edited them, and they seem to work. It's an iterative process. At least, that's how I'm developing some parts of this song. Other parts are pretty clear in my head. I need to lay those parts down asap.

I've also been working with a musical friend of mine, Amy, to produce her first song. She has a website. After hearing about my project she got inspired to make an EP of her own, with my help as a producer. She wants to call it 'Spare Parts'. The song I've been producing for her is call 'Too Drunk To Kiss'. Her stuff sounds kinda like Lilly Allen. It's full of sassy humour and attitude. I really like it.

Amy recorded the key song parts at her home, sent them to me over Dropbox, and I pieced them together and added production details. Then we worked together on making it a quality product. The process was awesome, so much fun. I really want to do this for the rest of my life. The song came together in amazing speed, within a week, and it sounds fantastic. I'm really getting the hang of being a producer now.

Amy and I discussed marketing philosophy as well. The need to have the complete package together before release. It would consist of, a product (an EP), a website, at least 1 youtube video, artwork, and marketing material. And lets not forget, cash. Cash to dump on radio station plays, and other things, to help promote the product.

That's enough ranting for today. I was supposed to write something technical. Bah, maybe next time.

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