Friday, January 28, 2011

EP Progress 3 - Philosophical Rant 6

I had a few thoughts today about the EP, so figured I'd write them down. I'm noticing a natural progression in the structure of the EP. There's a pretty clear theme. Thoughts. And Love. But generally, just thoughts. Love kind of sneaks its way into all the thoughts. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's me telling myself something. It's like this EP is a reflection of the stuff that goes in and out of my head in any single day, or a moment even. So I had the idea of naming the EP 'Chaotic Tangents'. But I'm not entirely convinced on that title yet, because the EP isn't necessarily chaotic. Perhaps the original thoughts were, but then some part of my brain has ordered them.

For example, here's a draft tracklist with associated concepts:
The Fall - is dark but hopeful. It originated from ideas of dependency and redemption and that sort of stuff. 
I Feel Alive - is about recovering (from trauma perhaps?) and then living in the moment.
Get Up And Skate Girls! - is about sort of about self-reflection in a way, looking to the past and future, and defying the expectations of others.
21st Century Love Song (draft title) - is about rebellion or finding identity, and freedom. 
All Around Me (very draft title) - is supposed to be an epic conclusion, or I suppose, a transcendence.

There's sort of a pattern there. Or at least, an ordered collection of ideas. Not exactly chaotic, so maybe my EP title needs more thought.

I think next post, I'll write something technical instead of philosophical. Explain something about the sounds I'm using, and how I made them. In the mean time, I gotta record some vocals!


1 comment:

  1. There is a pattern thematically in your songs - and it is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. But this is neither chaotic nor tangential. I imagined you on such a ride as I read the descriptions and imagined you trying to step on and off as the ride was in full swing. It reminded me of the stages of grief associated with loss and change.
    I am really looking forward to hearing the EP in its entirety.
