Sunday, December 12, 2010

Philosophical Rant 5

Is this Rant 5? Yeah, I think so. I spent the last weekend with my folks. They're so awesome. We talked heaps. Mum listened intently when I talked about my music.

I agree with Richard Kingsmill's recent commentary about 2010 being one of the best years for music in a long time. There was some bloody amazing music released this year. Sufjan Steven's twisted our brains. Arcade Fire took us back home. And Kanye West's new album wasn't just on another level, I think he went to a new fucking planet. There's a healthy levels of desperation and honesty in some of the music released this year. Great to see. Raw and real I think.

I sometimes hate how learning is part of the process to becoming good at anything. Especially when it comes to expression. My music feel's 3rd rate somehow. I'm still striving to reach that 2nd level, where most of the pro's sit (let alone top shelf where the legends sit, I don't want to go there anyway). I need to step it up a notch.

I'll make a few practical decisions here I think:
1 - I'm going to release all my music for free. Screw iTunes. I need a website or something to do it. Maybe I can do it here on the blog somehow. I'll ask for donations only. I don't ever want to become precious about my music. I just want people to listen to it (and enjoy it or otherwise).
2 - I need to try getting a pro engineer to help later mix/master etc. That'll depend on my money situation...
3 - I really need to remix/remaster The Fall and I Feel Alive to get them up to scratch. Although, I did start this whole process by buying pretty cheap equipment. Still juggling with conflicting expectations there.
4 - I think 5 tracks to make up the first EP.


I'll finish this post with a photo of my mother and grandfather from December 1962. Dancing to Elvis.

Elvis is on. Time to dance. Things are as they should be.

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