Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Philosophical Rant 3

I think I written this before, but I need to learn to stop working when I'm tired. I've been putting in 8 hour days on this track, in my eagerness to complete it. And it's not a good strategy. No-one wants to listen to half-finished music after 8 hours of work. Let alone their own song. Let alone the same song they've been hearing over and over all day.

I'm going to enforce a new rule on myself. No work after 3pm.
Enough about that.

The song is progressing nicely. It's definitely a tribute to the arrival of Spring. My partner listened to parts of it yesterday. She agreed that its vastly different to my first song. But still distinctly Ergo Alt. Its all there. The same weird vocals. The high musical complexity. The theatrical elements. I was thinking just the other day, how somewhat unfortunate (for me) that my music is complex. It takes so bloody long to produce. It would be nice if my music was simpler. The same sound all the way through. 5 instruments in total. But noooo, I have to put in a million instruments (obvious exaggeration) , including a mini orchestra, and vocode my voice 10 times and in different ways.

I think that last paragraph qualifies as ranting. Whatever, at least I feel a bit better.

Time for a photo. From my recent trip to Adelaide.

Yay for sunnyness.

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