Thursday, November 25, 2010

Alternate project - another milestone

I finished putting together all the core elements of my political satire piece today. I promised a good friend I'd have a demo ready by tonight. So I have that. Yay! Another milestone. As usual, the mixing process has been long and involved. I wish I knew how the pros get their frequencies so clean and clear all the time. How do they know the exact point at which there is enough high-end treble in the mix?! They must have frequency level visualizers of some sort (or something!). I need to do more research on this.

Anyway, I've been mixing and mastering my track by listening to various tracks on the 'Ministry of Sound' compilations and trying to copy their frequencies and their 'beat pump'. It seems to have worked. I can definitely still hear a slightly superior level of clarity in their tracks though. Particularly in their sound effects which have amazing detail. But most people probably won't be able to tell the difference. 

I also still need to add sound effects to the song. Just to make the track that little bit more interesting. That can wait till next week.

Soon, I'll start talking to my friends about the video. This track is all about connecting (and getting sales hopefully) with people via the YouTubes. It's pretty funny on its own, but I think it will excel as a music video. We've got some ideas that involve dressing up as animals etc. We'll discuss them tonight perhaps.

This has been enough work by itself so I'm not sure if I'll have time to pull of an iPhone application as well. Sigh!

What a sexy rack!

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