Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Business Rant 1

Song 1 is sounding great, lots of potential. I think it will really surprise people. It's scary and philosophical and then its explodes into some really awesome pumping rock. It may weird a lot of people out, but that's what I was aiming for. To make something different. It needs to stand out.

I've completed vocals for the verses, and the first chorus. The later chorus is similar to the first, so I can recycle some vocal material. The 'bridge' will be challenging.

Hopefully, Song 1 will be completed by end of next week. Then I'll need to look for artwork. Or an artist. Or whatever.

It's taking me a long time to make Song 1. So at this stage, I'm trying for a 4 track EP by Christmas. I'm still undecided whether I'll release Song 1 as a single. Hopefully it will be good enough to be a single. I need the money. Maybe if I release Song 1 as a single, and then the EP at half price to people who buy the single. If I get enough sales, it could mean I can fund myself to make a full album. 

If I sell through digital distribution, I think I take in 30% of sales. So 30c per 'Song 1' sold. I think. If was going to fund myself until June 2011, I'd need about $6k. That's something like, 20000 sales of Song 1, or roughly 5000 sales of Song 1 and 5000 sales of the EP. 

I can do this. Surely I can do this. Please god.

Chugg out.

1 comment:

  1. If you DIY, your profit margin will be a lot better. If you go commercial, you will get at most 10c in the dollar. It is highway robbery.
