Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Philosophical Rant 1

This post is therapy. No substantial musical info.

I've been noticing that in my attempts to control my voice, I'm becoming more conscious of my body. Particularly my shoulders and necks. I guess that, because I'm pushing and striving for ultimate control over sound coming from my mouth, I'm becoming aware of its physicality. i.e. that my voice is created by muscles and stuff and that I need perfect control of these muscles if I want to control my voice. 

It's common sense I suppose, but I've never noticed it before in all my years. I've also started becoming acutely aware of pain in my shoulder (when it happens) and also the tendon thingys at the back of my neck that join to my skull. If they're tense and I try to sing, I really notice them. I also notice when I'm my shoulders are either relaxed or tense. 

That's today's therapy over with..

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine swears by vocal training - she said a few lessons was all she needed to get the most out of her body and voice. It is amazing how much longer you can sustain a note when you know how to hold your diaphram.
