Sunday, September 19, 2010

Post release thoughts, and starting work on Track 2

The major lesson I've learnt from releasing The Fall, is that 1 track is not a lot of content. And I think that's what people want... content. Something they can really sink their teeth into. But hopefully The Fall has left people curious and wanting more. I think it has. It had the iTunes popularity bar maxed out, but that could mean anything. I'll find out in two months when I get a sales report.

I haven't promoted the release heavily, so it will have limited success out there in the real world. That's the way I like it, for now. I will probably alter the song slightly for the EP or album release. That's because I've had a little feedback, and also have had a chance to experience it after a bit of a break. It sounds different after not listening to it for a while.

But The Fall served its purpose of drumming up some interest. A few people used Ergo Alt as a substitute for my real name the other day, which was pretty funny (weird). The name seems to have stuck already. 

I've already begun work on my second track. Progress has been blistering, compared to before, now that I've learnt key skills from producing my first track out. I can re-use a lot of the drum sounds and samples etc too.  I already have all the core elements for the drums in Track 2 laid down. I'm stoked about that, and how fast I can do it all now. 

I'm really excited about this second track, I think it will grab the attention of more people than The Fall did. I think it will be one of my favourites on the album/EP (whatever it is that I'm doing). 

On the radio today, I heard lots of good unsigned acts are giving out their music free through the JJJ website. I'm going to have to go down the same path if I'm going to compete for people's ears. That means I need, at the least, 4 or 5 tracks to get anywhere meaningful. Two tracks to promote myself with, by basically giving them away, and then a few more so that people can see there more content available to get into. I might even go so far as to have all my tracks available to stream online for free (but not download obviously).

That's ok though, coz I feel really confident about my skills using the software and stuff now. I feel like I know exactly what I'm doing and where my music is going. Awesome   :)

There's a producers conference in the city this week. I'll go and check it out, see who else is out there doing this stuff. 

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