Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Song 2

Worked on Track number 2 this week. I wrote it on guitar many years ago and its been haunting my brain ever since. It will be great to get it out of there. The Fall was similar in that way.
This song is very different to The Fall in sound. My early workings are ebbing toward orchestral sounds. A bit like Sigur Ros stuff. I like it a lot. Unlike The Fall, its aspirational and uplifting. I'm even going to attempt putting in some horns and stuff.

My software got an upgrade recently. The new drum machine (Kong) is a winner. So easy to make amazing drums now. So I whipped up the drums for this song in only 2 days. Then added a guitar track (another day gone). Then violins and some orchestral percussion (another day)... and that makes for a good song skeleton. I toyed with bass sounds this morning, but nothing I liked. I'll try some chello bowing sounds and see if that works as a bass substitute. Might have to get creative to make it all work.

I'm really hoping that I can have most of the song completed by the end of next week. It will be a challenge. Sigh. I need a mental lift...

On a very positive note, I've figured out how to work on my laptop now. So I can work out in the sun with the cat. Here's a pic of me working outside. And one of the cat.

Meow meow...


  1. You are looking more and more like a full time musician every day... though the Siberian Forest feline still looks like a giant wild cat :)

    Listening to your first single, the Fall, has inspired some ideas for the prequel and sequel to the second novel. Does that count as cross-fertilisation?

  2. That's awesome TG! I'm pretty sure that counts.
